
WOW. Very fresh news. My life's work (Adaptable Depression) has now just been published in MDPI Journal and Research Gate. I will surely continue working on that theory. That wouldn't be possible without two prominent figures: PhD Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa and PhD Stuart Ablon. I am forever grateful that these two people helped me to push forward this project.


I have joined the ranks of polish club "Gwardia Wrocław" currently playing in the first major tennis league in Poland. Do Boju Gwardia!


WOW. It just seems unreal but we finally did it! With the "National Drug Insitute" we finished one of the biggest studies I have ever participated in. It took us around 5 years, but it's there! Thank you to the whole team! As usual you can find the link here (journal page) or here (my research gate page)



I have finished all of the premed requirements. The only thing that's left now are biomedical ethics and calculus. I am extremely happy with that. It was a very long and draining process but I have pushed myself to limits and learnt a lot. I am very much looking to the courses ahead because I will can possibly choose the ones that interest me the most.


WOW. Our abstract for the "ESC Conference in 2022" just got published in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology as a supplement. Superbly happy as it is the biggest European cardiological conference. As usual you can find the link here (journal page) or here (my research gate page)


We said farewell to our Ukrainan friends whom we helped in the hardship of war. You can't help but learn while you see the atrocities inflicted upon a fellow human. See you in thoughts


I decided to cut my hair which I have grown since I was a little kid and give them to foundation Rak'n'Roll. This decision helped me to discover that hair is just hair. There are people who need it more than I do. Photo


I got cleared for practice by the doctor. I am thrilled that I can play again.


WOW. They say that you never forget the first. Nor will I. It's official my name is in the books. You can find it here (journal page) or here (my research gate page). Thank you professor Uchmanowicz for that opportunity. I will never forget it!


On February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine and entered the state of war. This means that our life would be changed forever. See you in thoughts.


I have just completed one of the most difficult classes in the premed requirements. Feared by many and conquered by some - Organic Chemistry, led by PhD Sirinya Matchacheep and accompanied by Brandon Conley. I am forever grateful to the team of amaizing scientists that had helped me to get through these tough times.


I have just had operation on my fifth metacarpal bone after two months of struggle. The operation was a technical success. Doctor Paweł Nowicki at his clinic located in Warsaw, Poland very skillfully opened my hand and placed a titanium plate and one screw upholding my bone. Neverthless, the pain was excruciating afterwards. I couldn't eat nor sleep for the next two days after the inital haze after the operation passed. Probably some nerve fiber got tangled somewhere and caused a lot of problems after my hand has swollen.


See you in thoughts.


I just broke my fifth metacarpal bone in hand with a signifcant shift, such that it has unnatural angle. What a tragic news, as my tennis season is yet again halted.