On the path forward I will put here the collection of my essays and thoughts that I gather together as I go through life. A sort of reflection of the moments in life that are fleeting and unless saved, will be missed forever. The exact feeling of sadness or betrayal will not feel the same today and tomorrow. The meaning of the perception of our emotions fades away. Each passing day is as precious as the next that will in the morning. As Tolstoy pointed out in the "Death of Ivan Illyich" at the end of our lonely suffering we all want to be just cuddled, dependless on the pain that we have endured. The existentional questions all boil down to the very feeling of love and being loved. Although love is as abstract as the feeling of existential threat, it is something real for those who feel it.


“Be the change"


"that you wish to see in the world” (Gandhi Mahatma)

I would need to write something here...